Investment Opportunities

Kingdom Oil is an intermediary between resources and ministry. On the resources side we seek to build a syndicate or group of Kingdom investors who want to invest money or talent into Christian ministries. On the ministry side we seek to build the capacity of ministries to make them more effective and more attractive to investors. We function like a spiritual investment banking organization and offer two financial options.

A DONOR ADVISED FUND is an individual account inside Kingdom Oil which donors establish for themselves, their families or their businesses. The donor gets a maximum allowable "public charity" deduction for contributions and then gives Kingdom Oil advice on where those funds should be allocated.
THE KINGDOM FUND is a type of mutual fund of different Kingdom investment opportunities which we have developed over 25 years of Twin Cities' experience. THE KINGDOM FUND includes nine separate portfolios of ministry, each of which includes several individual ministries.

Donor Advised Giving vs. The Kingdom Fund

The difference between DONOR ADVISED GIVING and THE KINGDOM FUND is that with DONOR ADVISED GIVING the donor has an individual account and can advise Kingdom Oil to support particular favorites which may or may not be part of the Kingdom Fund.

While such gifts are eminently worthy they may not be part of the Kingdom Fund which has a specific purpose to encourage ministries which are working in a particular area of ministry to partner and otherwise build Kingdom together.

We honor and bless the reality that there are many, many wonderful ministries which we are not aware of but which donors will want to support. Our purpose is to facilitate giving which donors find close to their hearts while also growing the Kingdom Fund as a collaborative mutual fund of ministries which have their own calling but also desire to unify for greater purposes.